PPE (Personal protective equipment)


  • PPE full form : Personal Protective Equipment.

PPE means Personal Protective Equipment.

Personal protective equipment (PPE) refers to protective clothings, helmets, gloves, face shields, goggles, facemasks, earplugs, muffs, coveralls, vests, full body suits,  high visibility suits, safety harnesses, respirators or other equipments designed for protection from injury ,infection, illnes or exposure to a variety of hazards.

Why PPE:

  • To promote good Hygiene
  • To prevent Hazards
  • To reduce spread of infection
  • To enhance workplace safety
  • To protect Lives  
  • To comply businesses with regulatory requirements(e.g., The Personal Protective Equipment at Work Regulations 1992)
  • To improve employee efficiency.

Types of Protection:

1) Respiratory Protection:

Protection against the adverse health effects caused by breathing contaminated air.


2) Eye & Face Protection:

Eye and face protection from the hazards of  hot sparks, and chemical splashes flying elements.  

Examples: Face shields, goggles, facemasks.

3) Skin Protection:

Protection from exposure to harmful substances.

Examples: Coveralls, vests, full body suits.

4) Ear Protection:

Protection from exposure to high noise levels  causing irreversible hearing loss or impairment as well as physical and psychological stress.

Examples: Earplugs, muffs.

5) Head Protection:

Protection against impact hazards and from high-voltage shock.

Examples: Helmets, hats.

6) Arm and Hand Protection:

Protection against burns, cuts, electrical shock and absorption of chemicals .

Examples: Gloves, Hand pads, Sleeves, and Wristlets.

7) Foot and Leg Protection:

For protection of feet and legs from falling or rolling objects, sharp objects, molten metal, hot surfaces, and wet slippery surfaces.

Examples: Footguards, safety shoes.

Safety Shoes

PPE safety requirements: 

  • Regular Check for the need of PPE at work sites.
  • Providing proper PPE  to employees if needed.
  • Maintain PPE in sanitized and ready-to-use conditions.
  • Training the workers to understand proper use, maintenance, and disposal of PPE.
  • Toolbox Talk.
  • Training the  employees on OSHA PPE standards.
  • Establish safe work procedures for disposing or decontaminating PPE after use.
  • Keeping replacement PPE available.
  • Enforcement of  standardized safety protocols across teams.
  • Plan corrective actions immediately to prevent incidents from occurring.
  • Discover a better and easier way to empower teams for the safe workplace.
  • Analyze risks at the workplace by using qualitative methods.
  • PPE Safety Checklist.

While Selecting and Using  PPE:

  • Choose the suitable PPE  and of the required standard.
  • Choose the PPE that suits the user considering the size, fit and weight of the PPE.
  • Checking regularly the PPE being used. If it isn’t, find out why not.
  • Use of Safety signs as a reminder to wear PPE.
  • Awairing employees why PPE is needed, how to use it, when to use it and what are its limitations.
  • Make note of any changes in materials and methods about PPE.

Why PPE Safety Checklist ?

  • Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Safety Checklists are used by safety officials and supervisors to help identify tasks that require PPE, to ensure that  staff is using the right safety equipment, and reduce overall harm.

Limitations of PPE:

  • Hazards due to Safety equipment being used.
  • Restricted movement due to weight.
  • Restricted vision due to visual field limitations.
  • Difficulty in communicating due to face protection.
  • Physiological/Psychological stress.
  • Heat stress and risk of dehydration.
  • The highest levels of PPE generally cannot be worn continuously for more than 30 minutes.
  • Management Requirements.
  • Improper use of PPE  are potentially hazardous.



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