Industrial safety

Industrial safety -

Industrial safety leads to ZERO ACCIDENT GOAL  of every organisation.

Everyone working in the industries must follow Industrial safety rules.

Creating and maintaining protective, safe and efficient workplace environment is the major role played by Industrial safety Management team.

Workplace safety is very important for each and every employee to work in a safe and protected atmosphere.

What is meant for term safety in Industrial safety?
  • Safety means a state of being safe from the risk of loss or danger.
  • Safety plays a vital role in industry by protecting employees and assets by minimizing hazards, risks, accidents, and near misses.
  • Safety is a condition that gives you freedom from hazards, risks, and accidents that may cause injury, damage, loss of material or property damage, and even death.
  • Elimination of hazard is also known as safety. 
  • Safe and healthy workplace protects workers from injury and illness which reduces absenteeism and  increases productivity. 
  • Safety also improves quality of work and increases morale of workers.

Synonyms of safety-

5.Cover or Guard.

Why Safety -

# To save Lives,
# To reduce Injuries,
# To protect Assets.

Safety meant for 5W & 1H.

   ●Why to Do?
   ●What to Do ?
   ●When to Do ?
   ●Whom to Do ?
   ●Where to Do ?
   ●How to Do ?

Basic Safety Rules :

  • Your safety is your own responsibility. Take responsibility.
  • Never take shortcuts.
  • Beware of unsafe condition.
  • Avoid unsafe acts.
  • Do not ignore near miss incidents.
  • Avoid un-ergonomic acts and working conditions.

Industrial Safety:

What is Industrial Safety?

Industrial Safety is a set of policies procedures and regulations regarding safety of the workers, equipment and industrial  environment.

Industrial Safety is a corrective measure that is reviewed and approved periodically by safety experts to ensure workplace safety.

Education and training of the workers is very important so as to follow basic safety rules and to handle the equipments.

Types of Safety Controls:

1) Administrative controls-

Changing the mindset and the way of workmen.

2) Engineering controls-

Isolating people from the hazard.

3) Control throgh Elimination-

Physically removing the hazard from workplace.

4) Personal protective equipment (PPE)

Use of PPE to protect the workers..

5 E’s for accident prevention:

What Is Industrial safety management?

 It includes the managerial function of establishment of objectives, and the process of planning, organizing, controlling, and directing to reduce or eliminate industrial mishaps, and also, they encourage workers to work safely.

Safety is important for protecting the environment against damage from industrial accidents and  for minimizing  accident, injury, property damage, and financial losses.

12 steps of full safety in the industry:

  • Hazard analysis
  • Use of PPE(Personal protective equipment)
  • Use of SOP (Standard operating procedure)
  • Positive Isolation
  • Work Permit System
  • Gas safety
  • Right tools and tackles
  • Confined space permit
  • Working at height
  • Traffic rules
  • Safety in multi activities
  • Change management.

Accident prevention methods:

Preventing unsafe acts

Preventing unsafe conditions

Safety tag system 

Colour coding

Hazard checklist

Employees training in safety

Employees motivation for safety

Safety auditing

Safety Terminologies:


A near miss is an unplanned event that did not result in injury, illness, or damage but may lead to do so.


First aid is immediate skilled assistance given to the victim by a certified first aider in case of an accident, injury, or illness before medical aid is available.


Injury is physical harm or damage to the body resulting from an exchange of (usually acute, mechanical, chemical, thermal, or other environmental) energy that exceeds the body’s tolerance.

Disabling injury:

Disabling injury is an injury causing death, permanent disability, or any degree of temporary total disability beyond the day of the injury.


It is an unexpected or unplanned event that may or may not result in injury, damage, loss or death.

Personal Protective Equipment:

It is the equipment used to protect the person from hazards such as dust, dirt, fumes, sparks, etc.


Any event that could be resulted in:

1. Injury or illness.

2. Property damage.

3. Environmental releases.

4. Business interruption etc.


Any potential condition that can cause injury, illness, or death to person, damage to  a system, equipment,  property, or to the environment.


An unplanned event  resulting in death, injury, illness, damage to equipment or loss of equipment or property, or damage to the environment.


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