
Showing posts from September, 2020

What is Lean? Principles, Tools In Lean Manufacturing.

What is Lean? Lean meaning:   Lean is the set of tools for identification and elimination of the wastes in the manufacturing systems. Lean is clearly distinguishing the value-added and Non value-added activities. Lean is Reducing the waste and Adding Value to products and services. Lean tools are improving productivity,quality and so as the reduced costs associated. Thus Lean methodology is doing more with less. Principles of Lean: Key principles of Lean Manufacturing for creating effective & efficient organization are as follows- Waste Elimination. Production flow. Pull Processing. Load leveling. Flexibility Automation. Continual Improvement. Vendor development and management. Pull processing (means 'make to order')   is the strategy of waiting for customer demand and quickly or effectively processing as per demand so that no warehoused inventory of products. Lean Tools: Tools for identification and elimination of Wastes in Lean Manufacturing are -  1. 5S methodology...

8 Types Of Wastes In Lean Manufacturing

8 types of Wastes in Lean manufacturing are to be discussed here. 8 TYPES OF WASTES IN LEAN MANUFACTURING : Waste means any activity that adds no value for the customer. The origin of lean manufacturing comes in picture so as to eliminate these non value added work (WASTE). This becomes most important for an organization to reduce waste without harming productivity and to do value added acts every time. There are mainly eight types of wastes in lean manufacturing   which we need to remove from the system for increased production, on time production  and quality production, with reduced associated costs. To reduce or remove the eight forms of wastes, we have to know which are the eight types (forms) of wastes. To keep in mind the 8 types of wastes in lean manufacturing please go through the DOWNTIME image below. These eight forms of wastes are as follows- 1. Defects -  The worst form of waste. Production of NC (Non Conforming) parts. Production of NC  assemblies. I...

5S What is 5S ?

5S : 5 S's meant for: 1st  S - Seiri means Sort. 2nd S - Seiton means Set in Order. 3rd S - Seiso means Shine. 4th S - Seiketsu means Standardize. 5th S - Shitsuke means Sustain. THE GOAL OF 5S - To create a clean and well-organized work environment for ease of operation. To reduce waste, to improve quality. To promote safety. To Encourage people for addressing problems  resulting in a positive change to the organizational culture.  For the quick set-ups in clean and well organized workplace. To improve equipment reliability. THE ELEMENTS OF 5S  - 1. SEIRI (SORT) -  Elimination of things that are not really needed at the work place. 2. SEITON (SET IN ORDER) -  Systematic Organization of the items remained after sorting. 3. SEISO (SHINE) -  Sanitizing ,Cleaning and Inspection of the work area. 4. SEIKETSU (STANDERDIZE) -  Standardization that means to create Standards. 5. SHITSUKE (SUSTAIN) - Self descipline that is ensure the regular application ...

Pillars Of TPM (Total Productive Maintenance) in Lean Manufacturing.

Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) is maintaining and improving production and quality through the man, machine & processes to add value to an organizational growth. There are eight  Pillars of TPM  (Total Productive Maintenance) in Lean Manufacturing Pillars of TPM  (Total Productive Maintenance) in Lean Manufacturing are useful in improvement of the machines reliability. Eight Pillars of TPM (Total Productive Maintenance) in Lean Manufacturing are listed as - 1.Autonomous Maintenance (Jishu-Hozen) 2.Focused Improvement  (Kobetsu-Kaizen). 3.Planned Maintenance  (Keikaku-Hozen) 4.Quality Maintenance (Hinshitsu-Hozen) 5.Early Equipmemt Maintenance (EEM) & Five S's (5S) 6.Education & Training (E&T) 7.Safety Health & Environment (SHE) 8.Office TPM. Eight Pillars of TPM (Total Productive Maintenance) in Lean Manufacturing are explained in brief as follows- 1. AUTONOMOUS MAINTENANCE (JISHU-HOZEN) - Targets - To reduce Oil Consumption by 50%. To...